Sorry this is coming in late (it's about the 13th), but better late than never. Yesterday was a day impossible to encompass with words. I think it's safe tosay that God spoke to all of us to some extent. We started our day in our devotionals. It really focused on the importance of brokenness and surrender to God. Then we went to two schools where we performed a couple of skits, sang three songs, did a memory verse (John 3:16), two people shared their testimony, and then someone presented the gospel. Not all of the kids got into the activities, but it was fun to see how excited some of the kids were. When we were done at the schools, we went to the church for lunch. After eating we played a few games that were…interesting. Then we got ready to go put on a VBS. Dana, Jocy, and Lexi (Me) were left at the church…locked in. (The church members had locked the door.) Luckily, someone noticed Jocy was missing, so they came and got us. The VBS was a lot of fun. We did the same activities we did at the schools and then we broke into groups for games, crafts, and a Bible story. All of the kids were absolutely adorable. We then went back to the hostel where we had dinner and then debriefing. Then we had team time. I can't really put team time into words. We spent a lot of time listening to God and praying for each other. There were a lot of tears and hugs. After teamtime…well…after team time we didn't want it to be over, so a lot of us just kept talking and spent time with each other. It was really a good experience and I think it brought us all closer together.