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Thoughts & Inspiration

Did you know that the potatoe originated from Peru and the country produces over 3000 varieties.

And did you know that you can find 28 different climates in Peru so good luck packing.

Here at Adventures in Mission, we send teams to work alongside with some of our long term missionaries, the Cooley's. The Cooley's have been a part of church planting in the suburbs of Lima and our teams work with these churches that were planted attending church services, Bilbe studies, and running VBS is open areas.

Last Summer, I had the opportunity to go to Peru to lead a youth group. On the mission trip, we allowed the Holy Spirit to move and guide us on who we should talk to and what we should say. It was so fun watching each and every person in the youth group and step out of their comfort zones and share Jesus Christ with people in the market place, in schools, in dirt fields, and even at our local ice cream shop.

At the end of the week, we were able to paint a mural on one of the church walls (Pictured below). It was really cool to watch this unfold. What started as a blank wall turned into this beautiful picture that represents the USA and Peru being connected by a rainbow and that we will always be praying for each other. And the words that are painted says, "My house shall be called a house of prayer."

Would you like to go to Peru on a mission trip?

Are you an Individual or whating to go as part of a group?  Click Here

Are you between the ages of 14-18? Click Here