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Thoughts & Inspiration

Arequipa or Bust

The group for the August 7th mission trip to Arequipa, Peru, arrived late last night….minus Rick, Joella, and Darrell.  Darrell suddenly had terrible pain in his foot and could hardly walk, went to the emergency and learned he might have…

Last Carabayllo post

It was my first time doing door-to-door evangelism having to ask a person "Do you have a relationship with Jesus?" Our team of five met a man and his son outside their home.  Jerry, from Colorado, greeted the man and…

Chincha start

Well the Lord is good and we are well doing starting the ministry here in Chincha working along side Pastor Jaime and Ericka!  Jaime and Ericka have a heart for the poor. Jaime and Ericka planted a small church in…

The Team Has Arrived!

Just wanted to let you know that the Peru team has arrived safely! We are so excited about what God is going to do this week through them! The project leader will update this blog as time and internet availability…

Prayer request

Pastor Celso has asked us to spend the entire day in the very poor neighborhood where the drug dealers are giving away drugs to get people addicted.  Juan Carlos is a leader from the parent church who has this neighborhood…